The Indie Garage Sale

Utica's favorite urban craft show
EST. 2004
Where will the Indie Garage Sale be held?
Union Station
321 Main St.
Utica, NY
When will the Indie Garage Sale take place? - Saturday, May 2nd from 11-6, and Sunday, May 3rd from 11-5
Will there be a Friday evening setup available? - Yes, times are TBA
How many vendors will be able to vend for the weekend? - We have a limited number of booth spaces available. We expect to hold approximately 50-60 vendors.
How much is admission? - Admission is and always will be absolutely free.
As a vendor, what can I sell? - We are looking for handmade items only. We do not allow resellers.
As a vendor, what can I NOT sell? - Items that are not handmade by the crafter applying, non-handmade items, alcohol, tobacco, firearms, pornography, live animals. Also, to keep the integrity of the craft, we ask that all vendors creating Native American art and crafts to provide their tribe and clan info in the application. We do not allow non-enrolled Native American vendors to sell Native American crafts such as dreamcatchers, medicine bags, NA rattles, etc. We also do not allow any vendors with business names that involve slurs such as "G*psy". If you have any questions about what is not allowed at our shows, or providing Native American documentation, please email us at
Is this a garage sale or a craft show? - We are a craft show, made up of independent artists and crafters. Our name stems from the beginning days where we wanted to hold a garage sale and also sell our crafts. We do not sell non-handmade items, however.
What types of items do sellers typically sell at your shows? - We have so many different types of sellers who sell anything from screenprinted clothing to handmade soaps, mineral makeup, knit and crochet items, hand sewn clothing, plush dolls and faux food, photograph prints, original artwork, greeting cards, fun and funky jewelry, pottery, origami and so much more!
How big of an area do I get? - You may choose to reserve a specific size booth:
6' table space (6' frontage, 3' depth not to be exceeded - bench seating behind)
12' table space (12' frontage, 3' depth not to be exceeded - bench seating behind)
10'x10' (10' frontage with 10' depth)
20'x10' (20' frontage with 10' depth)
Do I need to provide my own table and chairs? - Only if you want to; we will have tables and chairs to rent for a small fee if you don't want to bring your own. Tables with two chairs are $25, and single chairs are $10 apiece.
Can I get electricity? - There is no electrical access in this venue, unfortunately.
Can I get a corner space? - Yes! The cost is $15 to reserve a corner. Please note - there are a very limited amount of corner spots available.
How much are the booth fees? -
The fees are as follows:
6' - $80
12' - $145
10'x10' - $185
20'x10' - $355
Please note: All fees are non-negotiable and non-refundable once paid.
How can I pay the fee? - Vendors will be notified Tuesday, February 4th by email whether or not they have been accepted to the show. If accepted, they then have until Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 in which to pay their fee. Payments are accepted via PayPal or by check.
*NEW* Any fees paid AFTER Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 will be subject to a $15 late fee. Those who have paid after Wednesday, February 19th, 2020 will need to pay the late fee before being added to the roster and map. The late fee and measures are non-negotiable. *NEW*
When's the deadline to sign up? - The application will only be available until Sunday, February 2nd 2020. Any applicants after this date will be subject to a $15 late fee.
Can I split the booth fee with a friend? - Yes! You may choose one vendor to share a booth with, and you must sign up together on the application. There is a $25 booth sharing fee regardless of the size of booth you are signing up for.
How do you jury? - We strive to find unique handmade products, and part of the jurying process is to look for vendors who think outside the box. Because we get hundreds of applications per show, we must base the vendor acceptance on certain criteria. This includes uniqueness of the craft, the description of the craft/materials, the submission photos and if we feel that you'd be a good fit for our show. For vendors who have been a part of Indie Garage Sale in the past, we look for improvement and growth within the business.
We may deny vendors based on several criteria, including: We have too many of that certain craft already in our show, the application didn't "wow" us, the photos submitted are (a) Not what we asked, (b) Sub-par (blurry/grainy/out of focus/poor quality), (c) The craft is not handmade, (d) The craft is not done in a unique way or is made from prefab kits, (e) The craft is not a good fit for our show, (f) The vendor applying is banned from participating in The Indie Garage Sale Craft Shows due to: (a) Selling contraband items, (b) Selling items that are not handmade at all or not handmade by their own hands, (c) Sharing their booth with unjuried persons at a previous Indie Garage Sale Craft Show, (d) No-call-no-shows from prior shows (e) Packing up and leaving before the show end at a previous Indie Garage Sale Craft Show without consent from either Alison or Rob personally.
Can I get a refund for my vendor space? - Currently we are not able to process refunds once vendor fees are paid. We apologize.
Where is the application? - Click here!
Where did you get the pictures that are on your site? - The pictures we used on our site are from various vendors from The Indie Garage Sale. The images we chose for our site is a little smattering of eye-candy and what you can expect when you shop at our shows.